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Fast Soothing Relief for when the cat or dogs ear aches in the middle of the night or when you don't have dog ear medication or ear drops for cats at the ready. Try this ear ache remedy that can be helpful until you can get ear drops for dogs or ear medication for cats.
Is Your Cat or Dog Crying & Whining From Ear Aches?
Can't wait for relief?
Try this age old remedy
Relieve painful earaches right now
Treatment you can do at home
For immediate pain relief from ear aches, try this.....
it's an age-old ear ache remedy that will get you through while you're waiting for Dr Dogs Ear Oil.
Take a whole onion, yellow or white, leave the skin on and cut it in half. Now take one half of the onion and warm it up. You can put it in the microwave for about one minute and that should be enough. You want the onion to get a little soft and for the juices to start coming to the surface. If you don't have a microwave you can warm the onion in a pan on the stove, don't add water or oil, just put the onion in the pan and warm it til the juices start to bubble up on the top. Now that the onion is nice and juicy, place a paper towel or clean thin washcloth over the top of the cut side of the onion. Make sure it's not too hot but you do want it quite warm. Get your dog to lay down and then sit beside the dog and hold the onion over the ear that is aching. Keep the cut side toward the ear opening, folding ear flaps back for floppy eared dogs and hold the onion in place for several minutes and repeat this every few hours as needed to render immediate pain relief for an ear ache in dogs ears.
Onions have a drawing power to them and the warmed onion will draw the pain from the dogs ears. They are well known for relieving even a most severe earache within minutes and this holistic approach to relief of ear ache pain has been used for hundreds of years. It's an earache remedy that most people are likely to have right in their kitchens and can help relieve ear aches naturally.
Now that you have temporary relief for the dogs ears you should get a regular dog ear medication to follow up with. Using natural ear treatment can do wonders and keeps the dogs ears safe from harmful chemicals and pesticides. Try Dr Dogs Ear Oil to keep ear problems from flaring up, it's fast, safe and effective relief for sore ears. Many dogs suffer from recurring ear infections, this remedy will help soothe the ears and keep them free of painful sore ears.
Dr Dogs Ear Oil
A Natural Remedy great for dog ear problems
100% Natural dog ear infection treatment and remedy for ear mites in dogs.
Safe medication for cat ear infection and treating ear mites in cats & kittens
Effective Ear Mite Treatment - Veterinary Ear Drops - OTC Pet Meds
For Preventing Ear Yeast Infections in Dogs
SAFE ear medication for dogs, cats, horses, cows and other farm animals
Effective and gentle for puppies and kittens as well as old dogs and cats.
Try Dr Dogs Ear Oil - Order NOW
Dr Dogs ear oil works great for dogs and cats
Check out uses for ear mites or ear infections in dogs and cats here
Pet owners worldwide use Dr Dogs Ear Oil regularly
See what some customers had to say here - Dr Dogs Ear Oil
Dogs Ear Aches? Cats Ear Aches? Get Immediate Relief
Fast Relief For When The Cat's or Dog's Ear Aches
try Dr Dogs Ear Oil today
It Really Works and we Guarantee It!
Dr. Dogs Ear Oil
Natural Antibiotic & Pain Reliever
Ear Drops For Dogs Ear Drops For Cats
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Inspect your cat's ears and adminster ear drops for cats when relief is needed.
Cat ear medication safe for young or old felines. Get rid of ear mites in cats and fight ear infections in cats naturally.
Dr Dogs Ear Oil stops dogs ears from itching. and relieves pain when the dog has an ear ache
All natural dog ear medication to soothe and relieve dog ear infection symptoms.
Safe ear drops for dogs Use regularly to control and prevent chronic ear infections or to get rid of ear mites in dogs - without pesticides or chemicals.
Safe & Effective
Ear Drops for Animals
Large & Small
Young or Old
Dr Dogs Ear Oil
Helps them all